Saturday, April 14, 2007

Me hand love cookie!

Evelyn has a unique relationship with my hands. It all started when she was crying in the car one day, and I reached my hand back in a puppet shape and started talking to her in a Cookie Monster voice. This entertained her enough to keep her from crying, and so it seemed like a worthwhile endeavor.

Little did I know, that was only the beginning. Cookie Monster now gets "called out" quite frequently. The most recent example was when I was putting her to bed tonight. I had her give Faithy a hug and kiss, and then me. I was carrying her toward her bed, and she yelled "COOKIE MONSTER!". I didn't figure out what she was saying until she repeated it, and then I dutifully brought out Cookie Monster to kiss her goodnight. She gave him a ton of kisses, and he asked her for some cookies, like he always does. She said she didn't have any, like she always does. He started crying. (like he always does). And, like she always does, she managed to find some and give them to him.

Anyways, I never expect it, and I rarely initiate it, but she'll occasionally just start yelling "COOKIE MONSTER!" until he comes out and talks to her.


~ I love being a dad. ~

1 comment:

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Heheheh. That's funny, just so long as you don't take it as far as What About Bob and whip out puppets to talk to eachother. =)