Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Doom Letter

I am manually feeding one piece of paper at a time to our printer.

I am printing our new year's letters.

They are double sided.

(Feeding 1 at a time) * (50 letters) * (2 sides per letter) = blogworthy. Besides, I've been sitting here long enough that I've run out of things to look up on the internet. Next year I think we will pay someone else to write it, or get rid of all but one of our friends/family. Then we will just hand-write them a letter. Or blow them off... it's not so bad when it's only one person.

Actually, our original plan was to print one letter, then color copy it 50x. However, that was before we realized that a color copy cost $1. Per side. It didn't seem worth the $100.

Then we couldn't get our printer to print the border. Then we couldn't get the printer to refrain from sucking up 5 letters at once and printing a little on all of them. Then we almost ran out of ink. And every time we cancel a print job, we have to shut down and restart our computer to get it to flush the thing.

It's a very good thing that I wrote the letter before I started printing it. If I had to write the letter now, it would be a very despairing letter. (some might argue that it would be impossible to print the letter before writing it anyways, but that doesn't change my point...)


Okay, the thing is finished. Sad time over. Rest, little printer. Rest.

Happy time!



Sir Brian The Manly said...

New years letter? It's practically Summer already!! Just kidding, that's just wishful thinking.

Yeah printers are a pain sometimes. I found that out when I was making my cards. =)

K. H. said...

you should have just blogged the letter.

Sir Brian The Manly said...
