Monday, January 1, 2007

Elebits & Nexus Ops

Games, games, games. I likes 'em. I got to try my new Elebits game at a friend's house. It's fun. Faith played "Nexus Ops" (a new board game I got at ToysRUs) with me a couple nights ago. It was fun too. It's kind of a combination of Risk and Settlers of Catan. Sort of.

Evelyn is sitting in my lap, as I sing her a song I wrote. Here's the lyrics:

Uncle Brian, Aunt Bethany,
Uncle Brian, Aunt Bethany

It was inspired by a picture on Brian's blog. I'll let you guess which one.

Evie got a cut on her toe by stubbing it on the edge of the sliding closet door. Her first bleeding owie. She got a band-aid.

2007 is here. Act accordingly.


K. H. said...

what? i demand a song also!

Beth said...

wow first bleeding owie? you aren't gonna be all creepy and save the band aid for her baby book are you? like i would be creepy.

Sir Brian The Manly said...

Whee, Wii!

She's done pretty well thus far if that's her first.

Beth said...

yeah she must have been avoiding juggling cutlery or something. that's where most of my major injuries come from. ^_^